The Second (hopefully annual) Creatures, Crime, and
Creativity conference will take place October 10 – 12 at the Hunt Valley Inn,
north of Baltimore.
Unlike many conferences, C3 is not limited to a single
genre. Readers and writers of mystery, suspense, thriller, horror, sci-fi,
fantasy and paranormal will all find something to interest them. Meals are
included as part of the conference activities, allowing readers to sit among
the authors and ask whatever they want in a casual setting, as well as allowing
authors to chat with their peers in different genres.
Among those featured to appear are:
NY Times bestselling thriller author and screenwriter John Gilstrap.

NYT Best-Selling urban fantasy and contemporary erotic romance
writer C.J. Ellisson.
I wasn’t able to go last year, as C3 and Bouchercon ran on
consecutive weeks and my work schedule would not permit it. I’ve been looking
forward to it ever since, as I’m familiar with primary organizer Austin
Camacho’s organizational and entrepreneurial skills and like the idea of
getting in more or less on the ground floor of something I think will be a
staple of the conference season for years to come.
For more information, go to the Creatures, Crime, and
Creativity web site.
Wish you were coming to Noircon.
I am. See you there.
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