A combination of
work and family matters finally got to the point where even the good stress
left me no energy for the blog. Or reading, for that matter. My past month
focused non-work hours on the logistics involved in getting The Sole Heir moved
to Connecticut, where she started classes at the Frank Netter School of
Medicine of Quinnipiac University last Monday.
After returning
from the ceremony to receive her first white coat and stethoscope, the past
week passed in a more or less vegetative state of sleeping late, discovering
the joys of Late Night With Seth Myers
(a much, much better show than Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight; I’m glad Johnny Carson isn’t around to see what they’ve
done to his franchise), and watching baseball. Reading has been random
exploration of Westerns and aimlessly picking topics from old Bill James Baseball Abstracts. Today I’m back to
work—both here and at the paying gig—having accomplished what I set out to do:
rest and refit, ready to get back into the regular routine. Look for interviews
and some backed-up blog thoughts over the next few weeks.
Let’s start by
catching up on the movies I’ve seen since last we spoke about them.
The Drop (2014).
Exceptional film, discussed
in greater detail a few weeks ago.
2 Guns (2014).
This is dog shit. Don’t step in it. Yeah, I know it has Denzel Washington and
Mark Walhberg, and they almost make it worth watching. It’s still dog shit, and
you still shouldn’t step in it. (I'm not even giving it a picture, it's so shitty.)
Hombre (1967). One
of the great Westerns, adapted from what might be Elmore Leonard’s best
Dry, with a hint of the wicked situational humor Leonard would become famous
for, and screenwriters Irving Ravetch and Harriet Frank Jr. knew to leave it
alone. A first rate cats is led by Paul Newman, Richard Boone (my favorite
performance of his), and Martin Balsam, with Fredric March and Diane Cilento
providing depth, along with Frank “Hey, Hombre!” Silvero. One of the ten greatest
Westerns ever made.
Cold in July
(2014). Great premise, not so much
with the execution. I watched most of it
thinking how a book would have done some things better—character motivation,
for instance—having forgotten it’s based on a Joe Lansdale novel. The casting
and acting are fine, no problems with direction, good dialog, but there are
plot holes that prevent the film from equaling the sum of its good parts. Don
Johnson steals the show in a small part, but also points out the key weakness:
this is a movie that can’t make up its mind about what tome to take. That’s a
shame, since the premise—which I’ll not describe because there’s a spoiler
inherent in it—is so good.
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