Charlie Stella
is not afraid to wear his emotions on his sleeve. (Or under it, as his Buffalo
Bills tattoo proves.) Got into hockey a few years ago and adopted Rangers
forward Ryan Callahan as his own personal player. The Rangers, clearly unaware
of this attachment, traded Callahan to Tampa Bay that spring. Fuck the Rangers.
Charlie not only shifted his allegiance to the Bolts quicker than Hillary
Clinton can change a position, he went to Florida to see them open the next
season in person. Met Callahan’s parents. Still keeps in touch with his mother.
That, my friends, is a fan.
Charlie’s been
busy of late, getting an MFA and ghostwriting James Guiliani’s memoir, Dogfella. His newest book is a return to
the organized crime tales he writes better than anyone. Tommy
Red drops today from Stark House and Charlie took time from his frantic
schedule of feeling the Bern to submit to the dreaded Twenty Questions.
One Bite at a Time: Tell us about Tommy Red.

Tommy Red Dalton is a hit man with zero conscience when it comes to a job. He
has three daughters and ex-wife from hell. Early on he’s proposed a job from a
middle man (his best friend) to take on a piece of work for the mob—take out
the wiseguy in the witness protection program the retired cop spotted on that
New Hampshire Island. Tommy has a problem at home he never conceived of—his
ex-wife told their eldest daughter he kills people for a living. He has to lie
and lie big to his daughter, but he’s put aside coin for her and her sisters in
the event things go sour. He goes about the business of his job, but the mob
tries to clear the bases with anyone involved in the hit. Tommy is big on
revenge, God bless him. Things get messy (the modern mob is not known for its
efficiency). I did have some fun tying in my newfound love of hockey thanks to
you and a former colleague at work, Sue Bennet. I managed to get her daughter a
Brian Boyle autograph when Ann Marie and I went down to Tampa last year to see
the first few Bolts games. Actually, Ann Marie went over to Boyle because we
were in a bar watching a Bills-Cheatriots game and I know Boyle is from Boston.
I was afraid he might hammer me for wearing my Bills gear. Tommy Red features an Ovie and a Callahan in the novel, some
reflections on the SOB who traded Callahan too, Glen Sather.
OBAAT: Whoa. How did a nice Canarsie boy like you get roped into
a Baltimore anthology? Not that you don’t have the chops for it, but Baltimore?
CS: Having never been
to Baltimore in my life, after Laura asked me for a contribution to the
anthology, I gave it about 10 minutes of thought and came up with the year
1969. I was 13 in 1969 and very into sports. I was still busy playing the board
game Strat-O-Matic solo; keeping the stats was as much fun as research
projects. 1969 was a real bad year for Baltimore sports teams, especially the two
that were very heavy favorites. The Jets upset the Colts and the Mets upset the
Orioles. I’m pretty sure the Knicks did in the Bullets in the early rounds of
the NBA championship that year as well. Anyway, I had the rhythm and cadence of
Tommy’s dialogue in my head and started writing an opening scene mindful of the
fact Tommy had to be somewhat likeable, yet dirty. I knew by the end of the
story that I had to write a novel with this guy. Laura actually helped me with some of the
Baltimore dialogue – pronunciations like “Erioles” and the beer they drink
there (I forget it now). She helped out with some geography as well (Gunpowder
River, if I’m not mistaken).
OBAAT: Back to Tommy Red, how much did you have to cut? How did you do it? Delete
scenes, remove sub-plots? Characters? Did you save the stuff you got rid of on
the hard drive in case it comes in handy later?
CS: With Tommy Red, I went wild and cut back
afterward. Sometimes I go berserk with plotlines; the downside to letting
characters take you where they want to go. A friend helped me see the light …
as did my wife and editor.
OBAAT: Readers love to ask where authors get their ideas and
most authors reply with something along the lines of “we’re tripping over them.
The trick is to find the idea that works best for me.” What made this idea
worth developing, and how much development from the original germ was required?
CS: We do often trip
over ideas. That happened when my wife and I watched the documentary about Deep
Throat called Inside Deep Throat. We
looked at each other afterward and said, “Next book.” It was—Johnny
Porno. Because of the present day atmosphere, it was time to finish the
Tommy Red novel. It was a challenge
to finish because the MFA program took me way out of the loop. I can write a
crime novel in six months, but this time it took much longer. At one point,
Tommy Red was way longer than it wound up being. The friend mentioned above,
Gavin Borden, gave it a read and told me it was out of control. He was right.
I’d come close to an ending, then start a new project, etc., and eventually
decided it was time to return to the novel. I made a big push two years ago to
get it done and finished it pretty quick once I refocused. The character
development never changed. I knew Tommy Dalton very well and was anxious to
spew some social and political rants through him. Nothing about him changed,
except the very last paragraph. I had to change that on the advice of the boss,
Ann Marie, and my editor, Merle Drown.
OBAAT: How long did it take to write Tommy Red, start to finish?
CS: Forever, but mostly because I was experimenting with
several different projects, both literary and theatre. Tommy Red, start to finish, took 4 years, but that was my fault. I
could’ve finished it in a year had I gave it my full attention.
OBAAT: Where did Tommy Dalton come from? In what ways is he
like, and unlike, you?
CS: He and I share a very deep conviction about not taking
shit from employers. Tommy’s a killer. I never did anything like that, but his
conviction in not having to take shit to make a living; not having to go along
to get along, I’m all in with that. My street days often provided me with “fuck
you” money. I was wearing two hats for a long time, but when my legitimate work
found me pitted against a bully and/or arrogant boss, I played my fuck you card
with exceptional passion. Tommy has a passionate sense of justice, weird as
that seems, and I equate that to my passion about politics and a few other
issues I feel are important. He’s unlike me because he’ll shoot you in the head
for crossing him. These days I’ll go to Momma Stella and tell her to put the malocchio on you. Back in the day, when
I witnessed employer abuse, I took revenge on any asshole who got off screwing
with workers. My first crime novel, Eddie’s World, tells some of that story. I
did that a few times in my life, go after someone I regarded as a bully boss,
but only once did it involved violence. Nothing too bad—just a shove (and tumble/fall)—a
reminder that not everybody will walk away without a fight. I did that for as a
favor for a friend and I don’t regret it.
I once wanted
to be a lawyer (what my political science degree was really about), but after
witnessing my Mom’s malpractice case firsthand, I knew I didn’t have the
temperament. I can argue with anybody, and for as long as they like (and
similar to that great George C. Scott line when he was playing Patton
{paraphrasing}, “He’ll, I’ll start a war and make them think it was their
fault.”), but having to watch lies on stage (in a courtroom) is something I
can’t just watch. There were times
during my mother’s trial it took all the restraint in the world not to grab the
doctor’s defense attorney by the throat and squeeze until his head burst like a
fucking boil. I watched him get sarcastic with doctors lying about my mother being
blind on the right side of both her eyes. His side had doctors saying she could
see fine. The doctor she sued was found guilty of malpractice, but the jury didn’t
believe it was the cause of her stroke. You try a case in a conservative
jurisdiction (Queens or Staten Island) and the jury may think you want “free
stuff.” And, as in the case of Eric Garner, they may let a cop kill a guy
without an indictment, even after a video of him choking the dude and then grabbing
his crotch and laughing at those filming him is all over the news. So it goes.
And of course
my mother back then and to this day is blind on the right side of both her eyes
– no peripheral vision for more than 40 years now.
OBAAT: In what time and place is Tommy Red set and why was this time and place chosen?
CS: It’s a modern day tale. I use several different locations
to tell the story, including: Manhattan, Staten Island, New Hampshire,
Baltimore, Atlantic City (with a dip into Philadelphia) and Ft. Lauderdale. I
had to use Star Island since I wrote that chapter first. The New York setting
has to do with the mobsters I use, but it also has to do with where my mother’s
nursing home is located on Staten Island—the geography was a perfect place to
start the ending of the novel. I knew that the first few times I drove there to
see her. There’s an Eric Garner-like situation that happened before the novel
starts, and both the mobsters and some of the cops spew about it. I wanted some
political pontifications from the characters this go, so what better time
period than the present? I have strong opinions about what happened on Staten
Island. So does Tommy Red and a few other characters. Likewise, the anxiousness
to go to war by those most likely to never have to do so (or send their kids)
was something I wanted to deal with. Tommy does that.
OBAAT: Stepping back a bit, I’m glad you brought up Johnny Porno, as it’s the first book of
yours I read that really summed up the niche you own: showing organized crime
not from the Vito Corleone level, or even Tony Soprano, but from the point of
view of the guys at the bottom of the food chain, who may only be doing this
part-time because he can’t get anything else. Tell us a little about why that
angle appeals to you so much, because you’re showing a side few apart from
George Higgins ever messed with.
CS: It’s the angle I
lived and new very well. I’ve said it many times, not everybody involved in
organized crime is a thug, nor do they think they’re mobsters. In fact, most know
better. They’re pawns compared to wiseguys, and although it’s a bit
overwhelming at first (when you first meet a heavyweight in that world), if you
have half a brain, you quickly come to your senses. Mob money is capitalism the
way Republicans claim they want it—without rules. It’s all about the duckets,
dinero, the fazools, the sheckles, etc., and the guys at the bottom are usually
just trying to get ahead. Many sell swag, put out street money, take action,
run football tickets, scalp concert tickets, etc., to make ends meet. They have families and a need for extra
income. That doesn’t mean they’re all angels, or that what they do with the
extra gelt is always beneficial for their families, but for the most part, it’s
what I found. I knew plenty of guys with college degrees doing the little shit
that paid their mortgages or car insurance or helped with the kids’ college
tuition, etc. The problems for these guys is when they spend too much time
around wiseguys, when they get too enamored with a life that can’t end well. It
could be an accidental crossing of paths with the wrong people, and/or
something intentional. Shit happens. The key to avoiding trouble is NEVER reach
out for a favor. That’s usually the beginning of the end.
OBAAT: It’s generally accepted now that LCN ain’t what it used to
be. First, is that correct? Second, does that make it easier or harder to write
the kinds of stories you write, looking up at the bosses from underneath?
CS: I think LCN as we
used to know it is dead in the water, although it obviously isn’t completely
dead. I think it’s just a tougher sell to anybody seeking the extra
excitement/cash in their life. Seriously, who the hell can LCN attract these
days? Can’t be the smartest people in the world. Thugs are a dime a dozen and
always will be, but the government deals were and remain very effective. Who
the hell could trust anybody on the street today?
I wrote an
essay for my German publisher titled: The
Mob: The Perfect Eating Machine in the Perfect Environment—America. It’s an
anthology from writers around the world on organized crime around the
world. It’s getting tougher and tougher
to make the mob interesting enough for myself to keep writing about it. I’m not
sure if I’m bored with it, or just anxious to play around with other projects.
On the other hand, it’s the characters who find themselves up against the mob,
for whatever reason, that can keep my interest.
OBAAT: Not to get political, but I’d like to go back to that part
about 99% of cops being heroes. I’ve never been a cop, but I know some well,
and I am a member of another group of “heroes,” namely veterans. It’s no insult
to say not all cops, nor all veterans, are heroes. We draw these folks from
every walk of life, so there are good traits and bad traits in all of them. I
think we do cops a disservice with the hero worship that’s currently in vogue
just as much as those on the other side who think every cop is only out to find
some minority to fuck with. So, where’s the question? Oh, yeah: what are your
thoughts on that?
CS: I agree. I know
many retired cops and active cops who are as decent as anybody else I know. I
also know the job itself is not only thankless, it’s a terrible position to put
oneself in—getting shot and/or winding up under indictment for something as
mundane as a traffic stop. I don’t blame cops for pulling guns, but I don’t like
the shoot first, ask questions later mentality. I think the present day police
culture is completely out of control. Frank Serpico wrote a great piece about
the Eric Garner situation for the Village Voice called: Nothing Has Changed. I’d agree. When a woman like Sandra Bland gets
pulled out of a car because some midget motherfucker with a Napoleon complex
has to play tough guy, well … I think you know where I am on that bullshit.
So, I don’t
like hearing the “they take their life in their hands every time they go to
work.” A lot more civilians are killed every year than are cops. Not that it’s
a contest, but let’s calm our jets on the danger issue. I guess what pisses me
off most about law enforcement has a lot less to do with the police than with
the district attorneys/prosecutors. Cops watching other cops doing bad shit
should be fired and/or arrested, end of story, but especially when they’re
caught watching bullshit happen on video. Prosecutors are dependent on the
police to make their cases, so there’s a very direct conflict of interest when
it comes to cops being indicted. I agree with Bernie Sanders on this: if a cop
is suspected of committing a crime, any crime, special prosecutors should be
assigned. I think you’d see more indictments and eventually less bad shit. When I see Patrick Lynch, the head of the PBA
in New York City, defending cops no matter what, it makes my blood boil. As I
said up above, there are some wonderful people doing that thankless job, but
it’s nothing near the politically correct 99% of a police force anywhere.
OBAAT: Who is your intended audience?
CS: The 330,000,000+
Americans, at least those who can read. Honestly, I don’t have an intended
audience. I hope people who enjoy street dialogue, dark humor, don’t mind
violence, and accept the fact that not all mobsters are thugs or morons, and that
not all cops are heroes. I just don’t
worry about audiences at this stage. I once tried to write a young adult novel
for that audience and my agent told me it wasn’t edgy enough. I figured, “Okay,
I’m done with that.” She was 1000% right, by the way, as I’ve come to learn
from reading some young adult novels.
OBAAT: You read as much literary fiction as anyone I know and I
don’t want to get into the whole “literary vs. genre” thing, but a question
comes to mind. I took a workshop where someone asked the difference between
literary and genre fiction, and the instructor replied that in literary fiction
the plot is driven by the characters, while in genre the characters are driven
by the plot. Now, obviously, in good genre fiction it’s not that blatant, but
what do you think of that opinion in general?
CS: It’s all horseshit.
MFA programs do themselves and their students a HUGE disservice playing the
elitist game. Good writing is good writing. I’ve read a lot of stuff I didn’t
particularly like and/or hated from both sources … and I’ve loved plenty of
stuff from the same sources. One thing I rejected wholesale from the MFA
program was the prevailing assumption that writers have to describe the
wallpaper, the flowers, and the smell of perfume, etc. I love John Updike’s
writing, but I can get dizzy blind and fucking numb reading some of his
passages in a few of my favorite books by him (the Rabbit series). I’m talking
about having to reread a paragraph three and four times, which pisses me off no
end. I don’t give a fuck about the landscape on the road along a highway. Don’t
get me wrong, it’s a personal preference, but I much more prefer the meat of
both a character and his/her story. That said, what John Steinbeck did at the
start of each chapter in The Grapes of
Wrath was brilliant and appropriate—setting the background and mood of the
story he was telling. Some writers can pull off descriptions without my
noticing. I don’t mind that. Others make me want to rip the pages out of the
OBAAT: What kinds of stories do you like to read? Who are your
favorite authors, in or out of that area?
CS: I’m pretty sure you’ve asked me this before and I hope I
don’t conflict too much with my prior answers.
I was on a major literary kick for the past several years. Everything
from Russian novels to French, English and American. I have way too many
favorites to begin to list, especially without offending someone I forget to
name. My literary heroes include Richard Yates, John Steinbeck, Richard Bausch,
Alice Munro, David Payne, etc. … My crime writing heroes include, George V.
Higgins, Lynn Kostoff, Ben Whitmer, Craig McDonald, Patricia Highsmith, yourself,
etc. (and please, anyone I might’ve mentioned previously in these lists, don’t
be offended). I’m also a big Somerset Maugham fan, and my favorite foreign
author remains Dostoyevsky. Non-fiction authors include Rick Adams Carey, T.J.
English, and the guys who penned Black
Mass together, Dick Lehr and Gerard O'Neill. Individual novels I especially
took a liking to include The Suburbs of
Heaven (Merle Drown), Breaking Wild
(Diane Les Becquets), God’s Dogs,
Mitch Wieland, the Snow Island
trilogy by Katherine Towler, and one by a former classmate, The Trees Beneath Us (Darren Rome Leo).
OBAAT: What made you decide to be an author?
CS: Okay, I think this is also a replay, so I’ll give it my
best. I was a decent writer as a kid, but I was a general fuck-up in school. I
was a better class clown than student, but I think it was the stuff that drove
my very pragmatic old man crazy—I was a daydreamer, a romantic at heart, a kid
who could sit in a classroom for five hours and not take in a word because I
was in my own world. I read a lot of sports stuff as a kid, including the Daily
News sports columns and Mets recaps. And when I played Strat-O-Matic solo, I
was announcing the games in my head. Eventually, I started writing my own columns
about the Strat games I was playing. I was once a runner-up in a Catholic
school essay contest, except nobody believed I wrote my essay. Eventually, when
my parents broke up and we said goodbye to the American dream, I started writing
stories after a short stint in a nuthouse. After being introduced to Camus’ The Stranger in a high school English
class, I wanted to write. The problem was I had ZERO confidence in anything
academic and/or creative. When I went to North Dakota and took an English class
from Dave Gresham, I was hooked. I took a creative writing course from him the
following semester and the bug was in place (not only to write, but to educate
myself). I couldn’t stop myself from writing afterwards, although I took
several detours along the way. My wife says it’s why I’m still alive and/or not
in prison. She’s right, but teachers have always made the difference in my
life, whether they came in the form of coaches, instructors, street rabbis or
educators. I owe a ton to teachers.
OBAAT: How do you think your life experiences have prepared you
for writing crime fiction?

OBAAT: Do you outline or fly by the seat of you pants?
CS: I’m a seat of my pants motherfucker, although I do keep
track of where am at in novels, plays, etc., by using a Table of Chapters
(Contents) in word documents, a direct benefit of being a word processor. I
never work too far ahead of myself, although I sometimes know an ending long
before I know the journey toward it.
OBAAT: Give us an idea of your process. Do you edit as you go?
Throw anything into a first draft knowing the hard work is in the revisions?
Something in between?
CS: I used to get up very early and write new stuff, then go
to work and wait until I was home again to edit whatever I wrote early in the
mornings. Now that we have two young dogs, they tell me when it’s time to get
up, so I don’t do the early morning writing anymore. Where I used to walk and
read, I now work on stuff during my lunch break at work, and then edit it when
I’m home after work. But I continue to write between periods of hockey games
I’m watching and throughout the weekends. I work a 4-day week, so my Monday’s
off are essential. It’s when I do the bulk of my writing for the week. The
crimp in both my reading and writing these days is this fucking election year.
As you know, I put a ton of time, money and passion into Bernie Sanders’
campaign. I don’t think I’ll get another chance at someone like Bernie before I
die and I don’t want to waste the chance that someone with integrity and
genuine compassion and intelligence might fade away and leave us with the same
shit we’ve always had, at least in my lifetime. This year, politics is taking
me away from a lot more reading and writing than it should. I even changed my
FB profile picture from me in my Cally jersey to a Bernie button. Once I have a
finished draft, I let it sit for a few months at least and move on to something
else. If I still have a jones to rework the finished draft, I do it. I’ve
learned patience in my old age, but my favorite part of the process is
OBAAT: Endings are hard and can make or break a book. Americans
as a whole tend to like happy endings, and those are the books that tend to
sell best. What are you looking for in an ending: “happy” or “satisfying?”
CS: I can live with happy or sad, but I prefer open endings in
either case. No matter where a protagonist winds up, if there’s more to his
story yet to be told, and if it’s a well told tale, I’m all in.
OBAAT: What are you working on now?
Slut Wife Porn IV is my
priority to date. Theatre is how and where I started writing. I’ve had three
plays produced long, long ago in small NY theatres, and I’ve written a few
plays since being published as a crime novelist, but nothing I felt worth
pursuing. I’ve written a few drafts of SWP6
and I’m close to settled. I know the exact ending and have it down. It’s a full
length, two-act play, and it involves three brothers, their sister, and another
peripheral character. One of the brothers is a successful lawyer and Ayn
Randist, so to speak, one of the brothers suffers from dissociative identity (multiple
personalities), and the other brother is just out of the joint after 8 years
for manslaughter. The sister is doing porn, but it was indirectly arranged by
the older brother. The newly released convict brother is out a few days when he
discovers what his sister is doing, and … the sparks fly. I’m rewriting the
last two scenes over and over. That said, I took a look at the start again this
morning at the gym between deadlifting and bench sets and was still editing.
Like they say, you’re never really finished. The deadlifting I did this morning
is now killing my fucking back as I type this. Some guys never learn.
OBAAT: So where can we get a hold of Slut Wife Porn I through V?
I’m asking for a friend.
CS: If I told you I’d
have to kill you … and your friend.
1 comment:
Really a great interview! Please come on my blog and write whatever you want to about this book. Sounds fabulous. I am ordering it as we speak.
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