Richard Godwin
is the critically acclaimed author of Apostle
Rising, Mr. Glamour, One Lost Summer, Noir City, Meaningful Conversations,
Confessions Of A Hit Man, Paranoia And The Destiny Programme, Wrong Crowd,
Savage Highway, Ersatz World, The Pure And The Hated, Disembodied, Buffalo And
Sour Mash and Locked In Cages.
His stories have been published in numerous paying magazines and over 34
anthologies, among them an anthology of his stories, Piquant: Tales Of The Mustard Man, and The Mammoth Book Of Best British Crime and The Mammoth Book Of Best British Mystery, alongside Lee Child. He
was born in London and lectured in English and American literature at the
University of London. He also teaches creative writing at University and
workshops. You can find out more about him at his website , where you can read a full list of his
works, and where you can also read his Chin
Wags At The Slaughterhouse, his highly popular and unusual interviews with
other authors.
I first
encountered Richard at the 2014 Noircon where his talk on the elements and
different types of noir was a highlight of the conference. My thoughts at the time: Richard
Godwin sees two lines in each noir tale. The first is where the situation
tempts the protagonist to cross the line of legality. The second is where he
fails, often because the powers that be will not allow him to succeed. Godwin
feels strongly about noir tales where the protagonist is forced into the
situation, as opposed to being drawn in by his own lust or greed. A key element
of all noir is moral compromise, regardless of the motivation.
That said, it’s
a treat to have Richard here to play Twenty Questions and talk about his newest
book, Buffalo
and Sour Mash.
One Bite at a Time: Tell us about Buffalo And Sour Mash.

OBAAT: Readers love to ask where authors get their ideas and
most authors reply with something along the lines of “we’re tripping over them.
The trick is to find the idea that works best for me.” What made this idea worth
developing, and how much development from the original germ was required?
RG: That is an instinctive process for which there is no
answer. Truth is you either have ideas or you don’t.
OBAAT: How long did it take to write Buffalo And Sour Mash, start to finish?
RG: Two months first draft. Eight to edit it.
OBAAT: Where did Murphy Stubbs come from? In what ways is he
like, and unlike, you?
RG: The subconscious. He is not like me at all, writers make
things up, they narrate, they tell the story that needs to be told at that
particular time, they utilise subconscious energies.
OBAAT: How did Buffalo And
Sour Mash come to be published?
RG: I sent it out to Down And Out Books because I knew they
would get it. And of course they did. Eric Campbell is doing the kind of thing
for contemporary crime fiction that the older better, than today, largely
speaking, publishers did for the likes of Chandler and Hammett. He has sweated
blood over this and he ought to be thanked, I do. And there is a sequel on its
way in which the lead from Wrong Crowd,
Down And Out Books, Claude, meets Murphy as does Maxine meet Rhonda.
OBAAT: What kinds of stories do you like to read? Who are your
favorite authors, in or out of that area?
RG: I read a lot, but to name a few out of many, James Lee
Burke—his new one is great—Henry Miller, Shane Stevens, Cormac McCarthy.
OBAAT: What made you decide to be an author?
RG: I knew it when I was seventeen. My grandfather was an
author, he was widely published. I wanted to write because I wanted to explore
the human condition, the only prerequisite for an author. And I still am.
OBAAT: How do you think your life experiences have prepared you
for writing crime fiction?
RG: I have travelled widely and visited about 72 countries. I
have been to 24 of the states in the US, I saw a lot of crime in the war in the
former Jugoslavia, as I am a quarter
Serbian, quarter Croatian, quarter Irish, and quarter English. I have also
tried to understand motivation and not to bring some idle middle class head set
to my opinions. I want to know why crime occurs and I can understand that this
attitude that we have that there is a them and us is a piece of rhetoric. It
works purely to indoctrinate the masses with prejudice than can be utilised for
political purposes. Most people have committed crime. We like to moralise. My
Noir fictions are about men and women who are morally compromised, like most
people. They are lured across a line into committing a crime. That is where it occurs. Blurring the
moral line into crime in the eyes of society and challenging that society, that
is the source of a good narrative.
OBAAT: What do you like best about being a writer?
RG: There
is no glass ceiling.
OBAAT: Who are your greatest influences? (Not necessarily
writers. Filmmakers, other artists, whoever you think has had a major impact on
your writing.)
RG: Influences are hard to determine, but and this is by no
means compete list. Dostoyevsky, Shakespeare, Jonson, Dickens.
OBAAT: Do you outline or fly by the seat of you pants?
RG: Both depending on the novel.
OBAAT: Give us an idea of your process. Do you edit as you go?
Throw anything into a first draft knowing the hard work is in the revisions?
Something in between?
RG: I always write out the first draft or you lose the flow.
Then I edit and that may be repeated numerous times.
OBAAT: Endings are hard and can make or break a book. Americans
as a whole tend to like happy endings, and those are the books that tend to
sell best. What do you look for in an ending?
RG: Realism and faith to the novel. Happy endings are
irrelevant to reality. Dickens was forced to rewrite the original ending of
Great Expectations. Unfortunately we live in unreal times.
OBAAT: Who is your intended audience?
RG: Everyone
and anyone who likes to read a novel
OBAAT: If you could give a novice writer a single piece of
advice, what would it be?
RG: Write every day and
read as much as you have time for reading, analyse what the writer is doing and
how does he achieves his effects, observe people and keep going.
OBAAT: Generally speaking the components of a novel are
story/plot, character, setting, narrative, and tone. How would you rank these
in order of their importance in your own writing, and can you add a few
sentences to tell us more about how you approach each and why you rank them as
you do?
RG: Character first and foremost. If you can hear them talk
you have the story. Plot is irrelevant to many novels except straight genre
formula. Setting is most important. Narrative is essential and tone also.
OBAAT: If you could have written any book of the past hundred
years, what would it be, and what is it about that book you admire most?
RG: Graham Greene’s Brighton
Rock. The literary classic that cocks a snoot as an aside at the
establishment, because it is hybrid, it is genre and it is crime it is a love
story and Greene is one of the rare writers who writes and explores in depth
good and bad characters equally well with the most polished beautiful prose.
OBAAT: Favorite activity when you’re not reading or writing.
RG: Travel, going to the gym, music, socialising.
OBAAT: What are you working on now?
RG: The sequel to Noir
City, my commissioned Erotica Noir novel about Paris Tongue, the nomadic
Gigolo. The sequel will be out next year, Black Jackal Books, and here is a
snippet about Noir City, which is available here and here
Dangerous, blonde
Gigolo, Paris Tongue uses his looks and insight into female sexuality to seduce
women in the Secret Hour. This is the time when he takes them out of their
lives and resurrects their sexual identity, like an erotic priest. He turns
fantasy into reality and ushers in new ecstasies to their lives. Yet sees
himself as a night visitor or ghost. The women are haunted by him, their lives
forever changed by their encounters. Set in numerous European cities, this
lyrical and deeply erotic novel captures the flavour of each city, each hotel,
apartment, house, as exotic settings for Paris Tongue’s sexual adventures. But
when he seduces the wife of a Mafia boss he finds himself hunted across Europe.
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