Sunset Boulevard
(1950). A movie I actually did leave the house to see, driving to a theater to
one of Turner Classic’s screenings in a multiplex. Not quite like it must
have been in 1950 when the whole building was one theater and there might have
been organ music instead of commercials, but close enough. The acting is a
little stylized for my taste, but that fades in comparison to the story and the
personalities—more than just characters—portrayed. Another film that grows on
me as I notice something different every time. I knew it was coming and was
still crushed when Max confesses that he was Madame’s first husband. Also the
only film to start with the dead man talking to you that gets away with it.
Whiplash (2014).
J.K. Simmons deserves all the accolades and Milles Teller might be the best
combination of actor/drummer ever, but the movie doesn’t hold water.
Admittedly, my standards are
high, as I have a Masters in Music and worked as a
free-lancer for almost ten years, but no teacher anywhere could get away with
ten percent of the shit Fletcher pulls in this movie, not even for a week.
Hell, drill sergeants can’t get away with some of the shit he pulled. No
musician would set Andrew up for the gig at the end the way Fletcher did and
ever work in that town again, and I have a hard time believing anyone wouldn’t
have seen their drummer walk into a competition bleeding from the face and head
and not turn to the jurors and say, “We’re gonna need a minute.” Still, it’s an
absorbing film in the moment and the music is spectacular.
Kill the Irishman (2011).
A 70s story told in the style of a 70s movie that works. It’s no French
Connection—it’s not even a Hickey and Boggs—but it does what it
sets out to do and stays true to itself throughout. Based on a true story of
Cleveland hood Danny Greene, who took on the Italian mob and dared them to kill
him. Literally. On television. Ray Stevenson is outstanding as Danny, supported
by a who’s who cast of crime film stalwarts including Vincent D'Onofrio, Val
Kilmer, Christopher Walken, Robert Davi, Tony Lo Bianco (Sal Boca in The French Connection for those not in
the know, bringing this post full circle), Steve Schirripa, and Paul Sorvino,
with extra realism added through the use of actual news clips when Greene was
big news not just in Cleveland but nationally. It’s not a classic, it’s not
even great, but it’s solid, knows what it wants to be, and does it well.
WHIPLASH dazzled because of two great actors and the great music but it has no resonance because it's bullshit as you suggest.
Love William Holden by Gloria Swanson is just too over the top for me. Although I haven't seen it in thirty or forty years. Probably should rewatch.
Dana – FRENCH CONNECTION is great. Another 70s film with music I can hear in my head was the original TAKING OF PELHAM 1-2-3, composed by David Shire. Funny how THREE BILLBOARDS seemed to attract so much more attention than the far better WIND RIVER. Max’s revelation in SUNSET BLVD is the most shocking thing in that very strange movie. Passed on WHIPLASH, it sounded phony.
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