I will be brief:
There is no such thing as writer’s block.
Writer’s block can safely be attributed to a writer’s desire
to either
A> Procrastinate.
B> Make
writing appear to be a more exalted job than it is.
I’ll not waste time on procrastination. We can always find things
to do to put off writing. Dishes, dusting, going down an internet wormhole, watching
old movies. Why, just the other day I –
I’ll not waste any more time on procrastination.
A more exalted job? “It’s not a job, you cretin. It’s a
calling. It’s a career. It’s the air I breathe.”
Calm down. Those may be the reasons you do it. Doing
it is a job. You sit your ass down and write. Period.
Acknowledging that it’s a job removes the cache from saying
“I’m blocked,” which too often makes the writer present him- or herself as a
tragic hero/heroine. Get over yourself. You’re not William The Wallace or Joan
of Arc. You’re a writer.
To borrow an analogy from Reed Farrel Coleman, do teachers
get Teacher’s Block? “Take a study hall today, kids. I’m blocked.” Ask a
journalist if they get Journalist’s Block. “Sorry, Editor, I can’t give you
those twelve inches you need on the president’s speech. I just don’t know where
to start.”
I’ve written a Nick Forte private eye novel and a Western
since I last spent time on my Penns River series. I’m well into two Fortes and
have a heist novel about half plotted; the next Penns River novels isn’t coming
to me. Am I blocked?
If I was, I’m not anymore.
The problem I had (past tense) moving forward with Penns
River was that I was looking at too large a scope. I wanted to include police
corruption, the growing power of the biker gang, and an old acquaintance of
Doc’s coming back to town to become his nemesis. I was hung up trying to find
stories I could hang from those.
That’s not how I work. My process is to find a lodgepole
story and then find the other stuff to hang from it. I’d been looking at
it ass backward.
Problem solved. I still have the work to do, but that’s only
a matter of putting ass in seat and doing my job.
What people call writer’s block is no more than looking at
too big a problem to be solved. Break it down. Eat the elephant one bite at a
time, dumbass.
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