Monday, December 15, 2014

Tour Update

I’ve been doing interviews and guest blogs for the past week to help with the release of The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of. This has kept me busy enough that I haven’t had time to work on a decent blog post for today that isn’t a complete rip-off of at least one of the guest posts I’ve done. So, in the interest of keeping the word out on Stuff, here’s a compendium of my blog tour, including a couple of upcoming events. (Many thanks to the Internet for making the past events still available.)

December 10: Iinterviewed live on the BSW Show, hosted by B. Swangin Webster. (My section begins just past the 30:00 mark.)

December 11: Flash fiction, “Bad Samaritan” posted on the Katherine Hepcat web site. (“Bad Samaritan” will also serve as the first chapter of soon-to-be-in-progress Nick Forte book, aptly titled Bad Samaritan.)

December 11: Guest post on Scott Adlerberg’s Mysterious Island blog.

December 16: Live appearance at Asbury Village, 301 Russell Avenue, Gaithersburg MD with Meet Myster Write (Austin Camacho, D.B. Corey, Larry Matthews) to discuss books, writing, reading, and whatever else comes up. While the primary purpose is to get to know readers and not necessarily to sell books, we will not refuse to sell a book, if requested. It wouldn’t be polite.

December 15: Interviewed by Timothy Hallinan (author of the Poke Rafferty series, as well as the Junior Bender series) at The Blog Cabin.

December 16: Guest post on the award-winning blog Do Some Damage.

TBA – Guest post on Austin Camacho’s blog Life of a Writing Publisher

Anyone who attends the December 16 gig at Asbury Village and mentions this blog will receive a free, personalized copy of Grind Joint. Why Grind Joint and not the new book? Because:

1. The author’s copies for the new book aren’t here yet; and

2. I’m up to my ears in copies of Grind Joint, after buying up the inventory to retrieve the rights. The giveaway will be one of the original Stark House copies, which, if all goes well, could be worth something after I die. Not that it’s imminent. 

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