Tom Pitts
received his education on the streets of San Francisco, though not from either
Karl Malden or Michael Douglas. He remains there, working, writing, and trying
to survive. His new novel, Hustle, was
recently released by Snubnose Press. Tom also has a novella, Piggyback, to his credit, and more short
stories than you can shake a stick at, published by such respected and varied
outlets as Crime Factory, All Due Respect, Shotgun Honey, Powder Burn Flash, and
others my typing skills and time available do not permit me to mention; check
his web site and blog for details.
One Bite at a Time: Tell us about Hustle.
Tom Pitts: It’s funny, I had a friend who is
struggling with addiction mention he hadn’t yet read the book and I told him,
“When you’re ready to relapse, buy Hustle.
It’s like a passport to all your dark places.” It’s a story that beings with
two drug-addicted gay hustlers trying to blackmail an elderly client of theirs.
Only it’s the wrong client. Somebody else already has their hooks in this
bastard for something much bigger.
TP: It started as a short story idea. I wanted to write
something in third person with the narration sounding like first person. When I
hit page five I realized it was going to go much further than a few thousand
OBAAT: How long did it take to write Hustle, start to finish?
TP: The first few pages sat for a while—they needed to
gestate—but once the ball got rolling it took about four months. I was on a
roll. I’d be lucky if they all came that easy.
OBAAT: What’s the back story on the main
character or characters?
TP: I’ve already mentioned the hustlers, the man they try to
extort is a powerful San Francisco attorney named Gabriel Thaxton. Problem is,
Gabriel has a history of being involved with young men, and one of those young
men is a psychopath named Dustin who is living in his mansion and already
working his own kind of evil on the old man. The hero of the book, though, is
the lonely old biker Gabriel taps to help him out of the mess. Bear is a biker
who’s always been on the fringe of the big clubs. He and Gabriel have done
business in the past, so he feels he owes the old guy. But, in returning the
favor, he gets sucked into the cyclone of violence.
OBAAT: In what time and place is Hustle set? How important is the setting
to the book as a whole?
TP: The time is the present. Smartphones and YouTube play a
role. I wanted something current. The place? San Francisco. There are parts set
in Marin County because it’s wealthy and isolated out there—good for the ol’
shootout at the OK corral thing—but most of it takes place in San Francisco’s
Tenderloin district. Why? Two reasons: The first is because I know SF the best.
I’ve been here thirty years and have lived all over the city. All my jobs, from
bike messenger to taxi driver to dispatcher, have all been related directly to
the streets of the city. But mostly it’s in San Francisco because the theme,
gay hustling and drug addiction, seemed very SF-centric to me. And in San
Francisco, no neighborhood is sleazier than the Tenderloin.
OBAAT: How did Hustle come to be published?
TP: Initially, Brian [Lindenmuth] at Snubnose said he’d be
interested in publishing the book. He was one of the first to read it. Then,
with Hustle in tow, I landed an agent,
but after the first few rejections, it became clear that a big house taking
such an unsavory story would be unlikely. My agent already had my next novel in
hand, ready to shop, so I decided to seek out Snubnose again and ask Brian if
he was still interested. Snubnose had been very good to me with my first
novella, Piggyback, and I like being
with them, they’ve got a great roster and a good rep.
OBAAT: What kinds of stories do you like to
read? Who are your favorite authors, in or out of that area?
TP: I like crime stories, and a sprinkling of the greats. I
haven’t been reading enough out of the crime genre lately. I love Cormac
McCarthy, John Steinbeck, Don DeLillo, James Lee Burke, Denis Johnson. The kind
of guys that you read and think, fuck it, I’ll never be that good in a thousand
years. I always feel under-read, I’m always up for discovering some new.
OBAAT: Who are your greatest influences?
TP: Like it or not, Elmore Leonard influences me most. I’d
like to be influenced style-wise by all sorts of big shots and mega-talents,
but the lean and direct Leonard is what I find myself drawn to when it comes to
telling a story on my own.
OBAAT: Do you outline or fly by the seat of
your pants? Do you even wear pants when you write?
TP: Seat of my pants,
baby. And, yes, it’s San Francisco, so that’d be long pants.
OBAAT: Give us an idea of your process. Do
you edit as you go? Throw anything into a first draft knowing the hard work is
in the revisions? Something in between?
TP: I push forward through a scene at a time. Even
though I may only get 4 days a week in, I shoot for a thousand words a day. But
it’s the scene that dictates how far I go, much more than the word count. If
I’m stuck, I’ll go over the previous day’s work and revise it. That happens a
lot, so I’m a bit of a revise-as-you-go kind of guy.
OBAAT: If you could give a novice writer a
single piece of advice, what would it be?
TP: Clarity. It sounds simple, but the job of a writer is to
get readers to see what you see in your head. Keep it simple, make it clear.
OBAAT: Favorite activity when you’re not reading
or writing.
TP: That’d be family time. Whatever we manage to do, I have
fun doing it—even if they’re hating it!
OBAAT: Which do you take to bed at night,
the money earned or the good review?
TP: It’d have to be the good review, ’cause there ain’t no
money being earned! Not real money anyway. I don’t think I could live a week on
what writing brought in last year.
OBAAT: Would you stop writing if someone
paid you enough money so you’d never have to work again, on the condition you
could also never write again?
TP: Is someone making that offer? Do I get to squander the
cash by jumping into the movie business? I’d have to read the fine print and
check for loopholes.
OBAAT: If you were just starting out, which
would you prefer: 1. Form your own indie publishing house and put your work out
in paper and e-book yourself? 2. Go with a small or medium traditional house
that offers very little or no advance, a royalty that is only a fraction of
what you'd get on your own, and also makes no promise of any type of publicity
push, keeping in mind that you also will lose the publishing rights for a
period, sometimes indefinitely? 3. Go with a Big Six or legacy publisher that
offers a larger advance, legitimate review possibilities, entrance to industry
literary awards, and exposure on the shelves of brick and mortar stores. Pick
one and say why.
TP: I guess number three, but it’s a trick question. Number
two often offers better royalties than anyone in the game. There is also an
ability to have a say in the final product with number two that you sign away
with number three. Also, number three is a gamble. Little fish/big pond
syndrome. Not to mention they call them advances for a reason. I learned this
in the music business. Sure, you get that first check, but for the big guys to
admit turning a profit and coughing up any more dough is another matter. That’s
been my experience anyway, but keep in mind that I work for Gutter Books and
I’m a Snubnose Press author.
OBAAT: Beer, mixed drinks, or hard liquor?
TP: This week? Beer.
OBAAT: Baseball or football?
TP: Baseball. I live in Giants country. I actually penned a novella
that‘s centered around a three-game series between the Dodgers and Giants. It’s
a crime tale, but it’s very baseball-centric. What’s that I hear you asking?
What’s my favorite baseball book? Why, Pafko
at the Wall by Don DeLillo, of course.
OBAAT: What question have you always wanted
an interviewer to ask, but they never do?
TP: Um … how does it feel to be nominated for the National
Book Award?
OBAAT: What’s the answer?
TP: Sadly, I was once again overlooked. Thank you for
asking, though.
OBAAT: What are you working on now?
TP: My novel California
Libertine is being shopped to the big boys, so while I wait for rejections
I’ve started a new book—as yet untitled. It’s morphing as I go. It’s not the
novel I set out to write, it’s quickly turning into something better, letting
me ask my favorite question: I wonder what is going to happen today? For me,
that’s still the best part about writing.
I can barely finish a ss in a month or two so writing a novel in 4 months is just amazing to me.
Great stuff. Clarity, it is.
By the way, thanks for keeping these going, Dana. Damn fine contribution to the reading/writing world. Appreciate it.
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