It doesn’t mean
much to me when a writer signs a deal with a major publisher. The publisher
typically has dreams of a best-seller and I don’t generally care for best sellers. I’m happy for the writer, as I’m in favor
of anything that gets a writer paid and doesn’t involve potential prison time.
I’m just not likely to read the book.
Hold that thought.
I first became
aware of David Swinson at Bouchercon in Long Beach, where I saw him on a panel
and made a note that this guy has more on the ball than most. I hadn’t got
around to reading his first book, A
Detailed Man, by the time I got to Raleigh last year, where I saw him on
another panel just as educational and thought-provoking, but did score an
advanced reader’s copy of The
Second Girl. The big
publishers—in this case Mulholland—don’t fool around. They held events at
Bouchercon a full eight months before the book was to drop. They expected big

Frank Marr is a
former Washington DC cop with a problem. Several, actually, but the one that
keeps him jumping in his new job as private investigator is his cocaine habit.
PI work doesn’t pay enough to keep Frank in the quantity and quality of drugs
to which he’d like to become accustomed so he rips off drug dealers to make up
the difference. It’s on one of these covert raids he discovers a teen-aged girl
chained in a bathroom. Marr’s a drug abuser and kind of an asshole, but he’s
not a bad person. He rescues the girl while concocting a story about how he
came across her that won’t incriminate him.
Bad luck for Frank:
now he’s a hero. Another family with a missing daughter hears the story and
begs him to help them. He doesn’t want to but can’t help himself and agrees.
Actually, he can’t help himself from helping himself, as what he has to do to
get the second girl back draws on all his expertise—legitimate and
otherwise—and shows him in concrete ways where his life has gone off the rails.
Swinson has an
economical style that tells Marr’s story without apology or self-justification.
He’s the kind of anti-hero that could require a book of its own to do justice.
A good guy with many bad habits and tendencies, he wavers and often does as
much as his conscience demands, only to find his conscience has been only
temporarily satisfied and wants more. The internal and external struggles
compete without a hint of melodrama.
I’m also not much
for awards discussions, but if The Second
Girl doesn’t receive substantial notice at awards time next year, it’s prima facie evidence the various bodies
are even more clueless than I suspected. This is a substantial and relevant
book that is still entertaining, and David Swinson is a writer to whom we
should all pay much attention in the coming years.
The book has terrific narrative pace. It wraps up a plot strand neatly, and you think nice job, and you realize there's still something like 80 percent of the novel left, and you think Yikes! This guy must have something up his sleeve. And he does.
This author walked the walk, and so you can trust the talk. That may not be important to everyone, but to me it is nice to know that things written in the book are true and authentic, such as procedure, and details. I hate when a detective novel is written about a police department that issues and approves Glock 17 service weapons, but the author writes the detective carried a Sig Sauer. There is no chance of that with Swinson, unless he explains the reason for the deviation. He is a true and authentic writer with personal experience! I appreciate that!
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