Alex Segura is a novelist and comic book writer. His newest Pete
Fernandez novel, Down
the Darkest Street, dropped April 12 from Polis Books. In addition to the previous Fernandez
novel, Silent
City, Alex has written a number of comic books, including the
best-selling and critically acclaimed Archie
Meets Kiss storyline, the "Occupy Riverdale" story and the
upcoming Archie Meets Ramones. Alex
is a Miami native who currently lives in New York with his wife.
One Bite
at a Time: Tell us about Down the Darkest

OBAAT: Readers
love to ask where authors get their ideas and most authors reply with something
along the lines of “we’re tripping over them. The trick is to find the idea
that works best for me.” What made this idea worth developing, and how much
development from the original germ was required?
AS: I’m
always jotting stuff down for potential projects. In the case of Pete and Down the Darkest Street, I came into it
- after writing the debut Pete mystery, Silent
City - knowing I wanted a sequel. I wanted to pit Pete against a very
disturbing evil and I knew I wanted the book to be darker and more complex than
my first novel. But it wasn’t until I had a conversation with my best friend
back home, Andrea, that it all kind of fell into place. We were talking about
murderers and the best ways to get away with murder - as one does, when you’re
a crime writer - and she mentioned something offhand that stuck in my brain. I
can’t say what it is because it’ll spoil a twist in the book, but suffice to
say, the idea helped me pull in all the other stuff that was floating around my
head in regards to Down the Darkest
Street, and it set me off on the path to writing the novel.
OBAAT: How long
did it take to write Down the Darkest
Street, start to finish?
AS: It’s hard
to estimate. I wrote the first draft in a few months, but the revision process
tends to take a while for me, because I often slice and add to help the story.
So I’d guess about a year and change.
AS: The idea
for Pete was a byproduct of me reading a lot of great, modern crime fiction
when I first moved to New York. I was homesick for Miami and, having started a
job in comics, was looking for some kind of reading/entertainment that wasn’t
“work,” if that makes sense. I’d always been a crime/mystery reader, but I
hadn’t read authors like Lippman, Pelecanos, Ellroy, Connelly and Block. Diving
into those series opened my eyes, and showed me that the best PI novels were
about much more than just detectives - they were about place, and the heroes
were often just as messed up as the bad guys.
That got me to thinking about creating a Miami PI - someone I could
relate to. I liken Pete to the guy I went to college with but didn’t keep in
touch - we have a similar upbringing and background, but we diverge at a
certain point. So while I think Pete’s a good guy, has great taste in music and
can relate to his life on some levels, I also think we’re pretty different,
OBAAT: In what
time and place is Down the Darkest Street
set and why was this time and place chosen?
AS: It’s set
in the present day. When I first started writing Silent City I didn’t think I was ready to do a period piece, nor
did I have the inclination. I’ve since gotten over that, so in Book Three - Dangerous Ends - you’ll see some
flashing back to Pete’s history and the history of Miami and Cuba.
OBAAT: How did Down the Darkest Street come to be
AS: Silent City was originally published in
2013 by a small house, Codorus Press. I wanted a bigger platform for the second
Pete book, so we shopped it around. I’ve always been a fan of Jason Pinter and
really loved the books coming out from Polis, so it seemed like a great fit.
Thankfully, Jason agreed! He reissued Silent
City, which I think was really smart - as it allowed for better
distribution of the first novel and it gave readers a chance to dive in from
the beginning. That really set the stage for a strong Down the Darkest Street launch.
kinds of stories do you like to read? Who are your favorite authors, in or out
of that area?
AS: I like
engaging, flawed characters. I’m a fan of any kind of genre that pulls me in -
be it crime, sci-fi, fantasy, literary fiction, whatever. It sounds vague, but
as long as the characters speak to me and I care about what they’re doing, I’m
in. In terms of favorite authors, that’s tough - I’d be forgetting someone. I
will tell you that the last two great books I read were Lisa Lutz’s The Passenger and Melissa Ginsburg’s Sunset City.
OBAAT: What made
you decide to be an author?
AS: It wasn’t
a decision that happened at any given moment. It just was. Ever since I was a
kid, I wanted to make up stories - comics, songs, poems, books. I knew from an
early age that I wanted to write. It was just a matter of making the time and
doing the work.
OBAAT: How do
you think your life experiences have prepared you for writing crime fiction?

OBAAT: What do
you like best about being a writer?
AS: The thrill
of starting or finishing a major project. Meeting fans and readers. Networking
and swapping stories with fellow authors.
OBAAT: Who are
your greatest influences? (Not necessarily writers. Filmmakers, other artists,
whoever you think has had a major impact on your writing.)
AS: My
parents. My grandfather. My uncle. My wife. George Pelecanos. Dennis Lehane.
Raymond Chandler. Patricia Highsmith. Jim Thompson. Henning Mankell. Lawrence
Block. James Ellroy. Laura Lippman. Reed Farrel Coleman. Philip Roth. David
Byrne. The Replacements. Ross Macdonald. Raymond Carver. Off the top of my
OBAAT: Do you
outline or fly by the seat of you pants?
AS: It’s a
mix for me. I usually start writing blind, with only a general idea of what I
want to do. Then I’ll reach a point where I have the rest more or less mapped
out, and I’ll cobble together an outline. Then I’ll write through that. The
outline, though, is usually pretty loose, allowing the characters to take
alternate routes and giving the whole thing some room to breathe.
OBAAT: Give us
an idea of your process. Do you edit as you go? Throw anything into a first
draft knowing the hard work is in the revisions? Something in between?
AS: For me,
the first draft is about getting words on the page. I’ll make notes as I go -
“rewrite this,” or “add X or Y” - but I usually want to finish a draft first,
as I described in the last question. Once I do that, I let it sit for a few
weeks and then revisit it in hard copy form, with a red pen. Then I mark it up
- mainly for content and structural/style stuff. Then I revise. Then it’s ready
to share with my beta readers and agent. This kicks off the revision process
all over again!
OBAAT: Endings
are hard and can make or break a book. Americans as a whole tend to like happy
endings, and those are the books that tend to sell best. What do you look for
in an ending?
AS: I’m not
sure I’d say all Americans like happy endings. I like earned endings. I like it
when I feel like I’ve experienced a character arc. I don’t need all plot
threads to be resolved but I do want to feel like the unresolved stuff was left
dangling for a reason. For my work, I try to give the reader a complete story
with enough string to lead them to the next one.
OBAAT: Who is
your intended audience?
AS: That’s a
tough question. Like any other writer, I don’t want to limit myself in terms of
potential readers. I’ll just say that I write for people looking for an
engaging story.
OBAAT: If you
could give a novice writer a single piece of advice, what would it be?
AS: Be
patient, do the work, brace yourself for rejection and don’t read the comments
or reviews.
Generally speaking the components of a novel are story/plot, character,
setting, narrative, and tone. How would you rank these in order of their
importance in your own writing, and can you add a few sentences to tell us more
about how you approach each and why you rank them as you do?
AS: I’m
terrible at lists and rankings. I think each of these things are very important
to a successful novel, especially a PI novel series. In terms of story/plot, I
try to create something that is engaging and moves at a good clip but also
allows for character development. In terms of character, I want to show a
genuine arc. I don’t want the character/protagonist you meet on Page 1 to be
identical to the protagonist at the end. Setting, for my series, is hugely
important - I need to show Miami as a living, breathing part of the cast, and
that requires research, colorful and genuine descriptions and a strong contrast
to other works set in different cities. You have to make your setting feel
unique. Narrative and tone are key, too, of course - and that’s more a matter
of deciding what they’re going to be and finding the tools to keep them
consistent throughout.
OBAAT: If you
could have written any book of the past hundred years, what would it be, and
what is it about that book you admire most?
AS: Oh, I
don’t like the idea of taking credit for another book. I will say I have great
admiration for Philip Roth’s The Ghost
Writer and Raymond Chandler’s The Big
OBAAT: Favorite
activity when you’re not reading or writing.
AS: Listening
to music, spending time with family, watching movies.
OBAAT: What are
you working on now?
AS: I’m
working on a draft of the fourth Pete novel and prepping for revisions on the
third, Dangerous Ends, which is out
next year. Also taking a pass at the script to the Archie Meets Ramones comic, which hits later this year.
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