It’s been a while and they’re backing up, so let’s get right
to it.
Papillon (1973). I
hadn’t seen this one in years and was delighted in how well it held up.
much of it is true is an open question—even the real Papillon admitted he made
up some stuff—but that doesn’t remove any of the power or poignancy. Director
Franklin J. Schaffner (Patton, The Boys
From Brazil) doesn’t overplay anything here, lets his story and actors
allow you to come to your own conclusions. This is Steve McQueen’s finest
performance. He doesn’t get to rely on his cool to carry him and rises to the
occasion. Dustin Hoffman is excellent, as always. Look for screenwriter Dalton
Trumbo in a cameo as the camp commandant.
The Martian (2015).
There’s something about Ridley Scott. I’m not much of a science fiction
unless he makes the movie. There’s Alien
(Gothic sci-fi), Blade Runner (noir
sci-fi), and now The Martian, which
is as entertaining a science fiction movie as one is likely find. First off, who
doesn’t love Matt Damon? Everyone
wants to see him rescued, and that fact he plays such a well-developed
character is another plus. (Not to mention he does it so well.) The ending
seemed a bit much for me (the book handles it better), but even then it was
done so well I didn’t mind. Recommended for everyone, regardless of tastes.
The Last Seduction (1994).
Linda Fiorentino is one cold bitch. I kept waiting for one more
twist at the
end and still can’t decide if I’m glad or disappointed I didn’t get it. (It
would be a spoiler to say anything more.) She’s as femme fatale as it gets and
Barbara Stanwyck and Kathleen Turner together were never as ruthless.
Spotlight (2015). As
good as I’d hoped. I had more to say about it
The Big Short
(2015). As good as Spotlight but in a
completely different way. Director Adam
McKay breaks the fourth wall, adds
unexpected humor, and generally does to the financial collapse of 2008 what
Bennett Miller did for Moneyball.
Michael Lewis wrote the original source material for each. Coincidence. Maybe,
but probably not. Christian Bale, Steve Carell, and Ryan Gosling led a perfect
cast. If you’re not pissed by the end of this movie, you make too much money.
Pawn Sacrifice
(2014). A wonderful film on multiple levels. Director Edward Zwick uses the
life of chess savant Bobby Fischer to show how government made pawns of people during
the Cold War, the incredible pressure of being a child prodigy, America’s underlying
inferiority complex, and the risks of demonizing one’s opponents. Tobey Maguire
is superb as Fischer, and Liev Schreiber shows once again the artistry of his
acting subtlety. His work as Boris Spassky at the conclusion of Game Six in the
famous Reykjavik match is already one of my favorite movie scenes.
Desperado (1995)
The Beloved Spouse summed it up best: “It’s every thirteen-year-old boy’s wet
dream. Guitar cases that shoot and rockets and getting to fuck Salma Hayek.”
Just stupid. Except maybe for the Salam Hayek part.
The Nice Guys
(2016). Great fun. Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling share the chemistry and
timing to make this work and director Shane Black has already shown his deft
touch with this type of film in Kiss Kiss
Bang Bang. Angourie Rice steals all her scenes as Gosling’s daughter, Holly.
Yes, dear, they are the world worst detectives, but they’re not just “make fun
of them” stupid. They’re greatest sin is not being as smart as they think they
are, and they do have their moments. Laughter covers the few plot conveniences.
One of the few movies I have ever seen where I can safely say a sequel might be
Thanks for reminding me about the chess movie. Forgot all about it. A good movie month for you.
I loved PAWN SACRIFICE and of course PAPILLON. THE LAST SEDUCTION made my top 10 post-1970 film noir list. One outstanding film. THE BIG SHORT was just OK, and I don't make too much money (is there really such a thing?). I haven't seen the others.
If you like this kind of thing, Dana, I post a Film Noir Of The Day review, complete with rating (up to ****) and photos (taken, unfortunately from my cellphone, so they're not exactly razor sharp) on two Facebook pages. They are Film Noir: Yesterday and Today, and Classic Film Noir 1940-1958. I've posted about 60 films up there so far, and I'm sure you've seen some of them, but some others, maybe not. My ratings and reviews don't always elicit unanimous agreement, either, as you may imagine.
It's actually been a few months. I've been derelict. Still, it's been a nice run.
Thanks for the heads up, Mike. I've joined both groups.
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