As fate would have
it, the new deal with Down & Out Books to publish the Penns River series went down
as I was finishing the fifth Nick Forte story, Bad Samaritan. The agreement with D&OB covers Penns Rive only,
so I decided to see if my new cred might help Bad Sam to find a home instead of self-publishing right off the
Before we go any
further, I’m looking for a publisher, not an agent, though the comments below
could apply to some agents just as much as they apply to some publishers. Some,
in both cases; not all. It will be easy to decide to whom this essay refers,
even without naming names. Just substitute “agent” for “publisher” if that’s
where the process is currently breaking your balls.
The first thing I
look for when submitting to a publisher is whether they want the kinds of books
I write. That seems self-evident, but I have heard too often of people sending
slasher novels to Harlequin or cat mysteries to Thuglit (rest in peace) or swashbuckling bodice-rippers to Hard
Case. Extreme examples, but we all know it happens. Don’t be that guy.
Then I check to see
if the outlet I’m looking at is currently accepting submissions. Entering the
slush pile is enough of a pain in the ass as it is. No need to make it harder.
This should also be self-evident, but it’s a safe bet people who don’t check
the publisher’s genres of choice don’t look here, either.

Why am I such a
hardass about this? It’s not because I don’t know small houses are primarily
labors of love with small staffs and tight budgets. They are. No argument.
Guess what? Nothing is more of a labor of love with a small staff and tight
(read: no) budget than the actual writing of the book. It comes down to one
thing: professional respect. It the author can spend a year or more writing a
book and following the publisher’s sometimes arcane submission guidelines, the
publisher can at the very least reject that book, especially in these days of
e-mail submissions.
An e-mail response
is essentially free. There is no paper, no envelope, nor printer ink nor toner.
You don’t even have to type the damn things up. Here are the steps for a
publisher that uses Microsoft Office with Outlook or Mail tied into Word as the
word processor:
- Create Auto Text entries for however many form e-mails you might
want to send, depending on how cold/realistic you want to be to the
author. (You do this once, way ahead of time, and can re-use them as often
as you wish.)
- On the submission e-mail, click Reply.
- Enter the designation you used for the Auto text entry. This can be
as short as a single character no matter how long the reply.
- Press F3.
- Click Send.
Boom! Done.
If your operation
cannot afford Office and is using some cloud-based word processor and G-Mail or
Yahoo (which is fine, no slur intended), create a document with the reply or
replies you wish to send. They’re only likely to be a brief paragraph each, so
it’s not going to take long. I do this at work all the time for frequently sent
responses: “The training in question was assigned at the behest of [organization redacted]. Please contact [name redacted] with any questions.” Then
the rejection steps are as follows:
- Triple click the paragraph. (Or click Ctrl-A to select the entire document
if you only have one reply.)
- Press Ctrl-C.
- Press Alt-Tab to switch to the submission e-mail.
- Click Reply.
- Press Ctrl-V.
- Click Send.
Boom! Done.
I realize one can’t
knock out more than about ten a minute like that, but maybe you’re in the wrong
line of work if your budgets for time and money are too tight to allow for that
minimal effort.
The longer I’m in
and around the publishing business, the stronger I feel it’s just like pretty
much everything else: you get to put up with as much bullshit as others think you’re
willing to put up with. Publishers treat authors like this because the
publisher knows the author will stand for it. It’s not like we have anyplace
else to go, right?
That’s not exactly
true. There are publishers (and agents) who treat potential partners better
than this. There’s also self-publishing. We’ve brought on this “Thank you, sir.
May I have another?” treatment ourselves. Only we can stop it.
Congratulations on the Shamus Award nomination. If that's been up in the header for awhile, I must have missed it.
Thanks, Seana. I had a good month: finished the book noted here, released a new book, and got the nomination. I'm taking the summer off now. :)
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