This is Jochem Vandersteen’s fifth interview on OBAAT and
each one has been a pleasure. Born and living in The Netherlands, Jochem is as
ardent an advocate for American private eye fiction as anyone living. A good
review or year-end mention on his “Sons
of Spade” are notable accomplishments and I’m proud to have received both.
Jochem is a writer of note his own self. In addition to two
anthologies of PI fiction. (The
Shamus Sampler and The Shamus
Sampler II), Jochem has published short stories and collections featuring
protagonists Noah Milano, Vance Custer, Mike Dalmas, and his newest creation,
Lenny Parker. Jochem treads the line between homage and moving the genre
forward with aplomb and I’m always interested in what he’s up to. Now you can
catch up with him, as well.
One Bite at a Time:
Jochem, it’s always a treat to have you on the blog. I hope everything is well
with you. Your new book is a collection of your Lenny Parker stories, Crimes And Riffs: Roadie, Metalhead, PI. Talk
a little about what readers can expect in the stories. We’ll get to Lenny in a
Jochem Vandersteen:
You can expect longer short stories (not yet novelettes

OBAAT: Lenny
Parker is described as a “roadie, metalhead, PI,” with PI coming last. Where
did you get the idea for him and how did he get into the PI business?
JV: They say you
should write what you know. Well, as a metalhead myself and writer for a Dutch
webzine about heavy music I know all about the world of heavy metal. I really
wanted to set a story in that world. Inspired by other private eyes with
part-time gigs I figured a roadie would be a good job that wasn’t full-time enough
so offered some chances for the character to do some PI work as well. From that
Lenny Parker was born. Lenny started his PI work at a larger PI form, gaining
the experience legally needed to start your own PI firm there. At times the
daughter of his original boss acts kind of like his muscle and even brains when
Lenny needs some of that.
OBAAT: You are as
dedicated a devotee of PI fiction as anyone I know, and the entire field
respects you for it. I remember what a thrill it was when one of my books made
your year-end list in “Sons of Spade” and when you invited me to contribute a
story to the second Shamus Sampler
collection. What originally drew you to this uniquely American genre and how
does it maintain its strong appeal?
JV: I’ve always
liked heroes. While I like superheroes I found in the PIs a more relatable kind
of hero as a young man. Aside from that I like fast, action-packed reads but
detest long fight scenes and a focus on hardware. I like dark stories, but need
some lighter moments as well. I like stories that are ripped from the headlines
but don’t beat you down with morals. The private eye genre offers me all of
OBAAT: Have you
ever thought of writing a PI who must go down the mean streets of Amsterdam or
JV: Not really.
I’m not even a fan of PI stories that take place in other places than the USA.
I think the PI is as connected to the States as the cowboy is. I have been
tinkering around with characters in my home country but if those ever come out
they will be in my own native language and not feature private eyes.
OBAAT: You like
protagonists who have unorthodox backgrounds. Noah
Milano is the scion of a mob family. Vance
Custer is a literary Travis McGee who will take on a case if for the
book rights. (What’s not to love about a badass writer?) Lenny Parker we
already talked about. What draws you to these kinds of characters and how do
you come up with them?
JV: You need to
do something original to stand out when you want to tell traditional tales but
stand out. That is why I try to think of original angles to the backgrounds of
my characters. You forget to mention my vigilante character Mike
Dalmas who is blackmailed by the cops to take on some missions for
them. I guess these kind of things are what I look for in other characters as
well. It’s what drew me to Steve Ulfelder’s Conway Sas, A.J. Devlin’s Jed
Ounstead and Steve Hamilton’s Nick Mason or even Lee Child’s Jack Reacher. All
fairly standard lone wolf PI-like types who either have a different background
or just something different / special than just a fedora and an office with
their names stenciled on the door.
OBAAT: You’ve
focused on short stories. Any plans for a novel?
JV: Writing a
novel takes a long time. With a fulltime job, writing reviews for my blog and
for the Dutch webzine I don’t have much of that. I like short stories and
novelettes. I can get to the point, leave out the parts people skip and tell as
many stories as I can. I have been doing a few false starts on a novel though.
So yeah, I might write one in the future. I have started a few that might make
it to the finish line.
OBAAT: What’s
JV: I will
continue writing Lenny Parker episodes on my blog. That is something that comes
pretty much without effort. I hope the sales of the collection will give me
some extra energy to write more and finish that novel we were talking about.
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