Monday, January 18, 2010

Where’s the Line?

Last week I came across a dilemma I've had before and have yet to find a satisfactory resolution. I read a blog, the subject of which dovetailed with a blog post of my own from the day before. I commented on the other person's blog, had to cut myself short when the length of my comment threatened to become blog-length.

Part of me wanted to post the link to my blog, but that seems tacky, wandering into the unattractive swamp of Blatant Self-Promotion. Anyone interested can click the link associated with my name in the comment on the other person's site and get to mine. Of course, they don't know that I've posted a more detailed comment already, even if they care.

I see three choices:

  1. Continue as is.
  2. Include my link in appropriate replies.
  3. Indicate I have posted on the same topic at more length than the present comment.

I'd like to drive some traffic to the blog, but not at the expense of looking like I'm a parasite on better-known blogs.

Insights and advice are appreciated.


  1. I don't think it's inappropriate to pursue either #2 or #3. I read a fair number of blogs myself, and that kind of thing doesn't put me off at all, where one commenter doing multiple looooong responses sometimes does. I'm not averse to following links to interesting people.

  2. Thanks for reading, Chris, and double thanks for commenting.

  3. Dana, I've done #3 on numerous occasions. I'll post a comment on someone's blog, and mention that I blogged about that topic myself at greater length on my own website. I won't post a link, because the link is already there on my name.

    Also, what I'll do is sometimes I'll comment on a blog, then realize I could do a complete blog by expanding on my comment. So I'll post a new blog on my website, then mention it on other blogs a la choice #3.

  4. Thanks, Mike. I've found myself in the situation you mention several times, where I'm halfway into what I intended to be a comment and realize I'm writing a whole new blog post.

    I'm leaning toward Number 3 myself, maybe posting a brief comment, then inviting anyone interested in more to come on over.

    Thanks for the input.
